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Hawthorne Bridge

This is the first in a series of illustrations of the major bridges in and around Portland, Oregon. These illustrations are done using sheets of tissue paper and my trusty X-Acto knife. I start by drawing out my design on an 18″ x 24″ sheet of drawing paper, then lay that over a stack of colored tissue paper sheets that I then tape down to my drawing board. After that, I use my knife to cut out all of the details of the design until I have a stack of completed illustrations.

Above is the finished version of the Hawthorne Bridge project in Black.
Above image is the final design of the illustration before I begin cutting.
First blade lasted this long…cutting through 13 layers of tissue paper and one of regular paper. I took photos of the process as I went along, curious to see how long it would really take to complete and to see how long blades would last in this process.
Above image is a detail shot of the finished black version of Hawthorne.